
I am moving out of the County and am so tired with all that involved...tried expresso, coffee, mountain dew...

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Would Red Bull or Rock Star give me energy? I need it so badly and don't know what can give me a lift!




  1. Get something with B vitamins in it. Stress depletes vitamin B and it will make you feel worn out.  Walmart has spray bottles of vitamin B for about $2.  You want to get the liquid kind since you will absorb it better.  Avoid too much caffeine.

  2. Ok, try to get some sleep if you can. There is simply no replacement.

    Drink plenty of water. Being dehydrated makes us feel tired and lethargic. Caffeine, found in coffee, sodas, and energy drinks, dehydraets us. Being properly hydrated increases energy levels and motabolism by 3%. We need 1 ounce for every 2  pounds of body weight and 8 ounce for every 20 minute of exercise. With hot/dry days and climates even more will be needed.

    Also take extra mult B vitamin supplement. The B vitamins are stimlants too. Stress is one of the things that depletes B vitamins. Also caffeine reduces B vitamins too. That is why most energy drinks put in a minimal amount of B vitamins.

    Even though caffeine is a stimulant itself without offsetting it with enough water and B vitamins it will actually have the reverse effect on us.

    Now if you still feel tired try an energy drink, but make it a healthy one. The only 3 worth consuming are XS Energy, 5 Hour Energy and Stacker's 6 Hour Power.

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