
I am moving soon and need help with a situation....

by Guest56834  |  earlier

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I live with my boyfriend and most everything in our apartment belongs to him. I gave up most of my things when I moved in only because there was no room for it. Now we are moving to a larger apartment and it is simply gorgeous. The problem is the furniture and wall pictures he has are from his mother and it's old and just not fit for the style of the apartment. Besides it's all ugly. I understand he needs his things but he could at least compromise with me seeing I gave up my things for him. He is from Denmark and the pictures are dark and of towns , the fisherman and needle point stuff his mom made. How can I get him to put this stuff like in the basement or somewhere so the rest of the house looks at least a little modern? It's a house we will be renting and the basement is finished.




  1. While you have been together you should have been collecting and replacing old and worn things with things that the both of you like.  Sounds a bit late to me.  Best thing to do is come clean with him and let him know that you are moving into a new place and you think a fresh start as far as furnishings is needed.  Worst he can do is say no.

  2. Put all that old c**p in the basement. Tell him, no... ASK him if he wouldn't mind if you guys had a 'rec room' or something like that, and put all that old stuff down there. Then slowly pack it away.  If you do it slowly it will give him time to get used to it being gone. I know what you mean, that's what I had to do. I slowly packed away his old out of date stuff and he never mentioned it after seeing how much nicer the place looked with the nice stuff I replaced it with. Make sense?? Good luck!  :)

  3. Well I say keep the furniture until you are able to purchase new furniture. Cause nothing is worse than a house with no couch to sit on/decor.

    When we moved into our new house, my husband has SO much wreteched stuff (so I can relate). LOL. I convinced him that it would all look lovely in his "new office" that nobody goes in. LOL. :)

    Good luck.

  4. Throw it out and blame it on the dustbin men or the removal men for loosing it :-)

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