
I am moving to Europe soon. Native language is English. I would like to know what good paying jobs there are?

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I speak both English and Spanish.




  1. Check out for English language jobs in a variety of countries in Europe. Seeing that you speak both Spanish and English, their Spanish sites - and may have just what you are looking for. Good luck!!

  2. Sounds a bit like a "pie in the sky" story

    If you are already moving soon to Europe then I guess you should have at least narrowed it down to a country and maybe even a city

    Based on this you can ask the question again in the applicable country section and get some good advice & links

    If however you mean you "want" to come to Europe but do not hold an EU/EEA passport then legally (for EU/EEA countries) you must obtain a working visa in advance of coming.  

    Basically immigration laws have tighted up generally over the last 5-10 years due to large influxes of immigrants and movements of people within the EU

    You will either need to be (a) self-employed and show evidence of a thiving business (b) a highly skilled migrant with skills/experience which are in demand in Europe (and usually already receiving a high salary in your domestic country) or (c) sponsored by a company - and this is only normally done in the case that they cannot fulfil the job from the pool of labour within the EU or that you have specialist knowledge/experience

    Also in principle you will need to speak the language of the country you work in (although there are exceptions to this if the company is an International one whose working language is e.g. English)

    There are small differences but there generally the policies are very similar and restrictive for all EU countries, but I do not know about the non-EU ones.

    The best thing to do in order to get accurate info including viability & time is to contact the embassy of the country you are interested in. They can provide you the official information (and often a lot of this is online e.g. for the UK and Netherlands it is anyway)

  3. What can you do besides speak English and Spanish? That won't qualify you for much. You need to have marketable skills. What are they?

  4. where in europe? its a pretty big diverse place.

  5. Where are you moving from?  As in What is your citizenship?  If you are not from an EU country, you will need a work visa, and those are difficult to come by, as is work, even for those who ARE legal to work in Europe...especially in Spain...they recently went into a recession, and most jobs are going to Spaniards...naturally.

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