
I am moving to Vietnam from the US - Many thx to all, very thankfull. I need to expand, ?

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I had asked about buying a car etc.what if I am moving wife two kids, my take home money will be approx 9000/mo,can I live well? will that be enough for everything? private school, rent good size house etc.etc. thx




  1. 9000 dollars is for someone to live comfortablely there for a year !!!

    for sure you can afford to do whatever you want with those money

    there is really cheap for everything  

  2. In Hanoi, forget West at Ciputra. They have an United Nations International School there for your kids, 24/7 security, shopping, modern facilities.

    If in HCMC...the Manor dude!

    Yes, get an Explorer or Escape...AND a driver.

    I'm not jealous of your salary because I've got it beat...but then again, I've been here 16 years :)   Which just goes to show the money that can be made over here if you really want to work and take risks.

    That's one why I love it here... (the people are the second reason)

    Welcome to the expat club dude. All the best!

  3. At 9,000 USD/month, you will be living better than the communists (you will understand what that means when you start living there). Most Viets don’t make that much in a year let alone a month. In fact, most Americans don’t make as much as you will. I’m curious about what the heck you will be doing there to make so much money.

    With the money you will be making, you can afford to run over a few people while you learn how to drive in Vietnamese traffic. Forget the Honda Cub. Go for the Ford Explorer or Excursion. Take a look at the Toyotas and Mitsubishis as well. Get something with a little meat so you won’t hurt your family or yourself when you run over someone riding a Honda Cub.

    If you’re going to be living in HCMC, look into Phu My Hung. It’s the American Village in District 7, which feels very much like being in the U.S. Great schools, housing and medical right in one spot. One of my favorite things about Phu My Hung is the lighted nine-hole golf course next to the hospital. It take night putting to new levels.

    If you’re staying in Ha Noi, then look into West Lake or the Southeast side of the city. West Lake has been the upper class area of Ha Noi for a long time. The South and Southeast side of Ha Noi is where most of the new development is located and the emerging upper class neighborhoods.

    Your biggest problem is what you will do with all of that money (seriously). I wouldn’t keep all the money you will be making in a Vietnamese bank, because you never know when the communists are going try to take it away from you. You don’t want to give half of your income to IRS either. You should consult a financial advisor who is familiar with foreign income and foreign investing.

    There is no doubt that you’re going to have a great time there. I am very jealous of you. Let me know if there’s an opening in your company or if I can split shifts with Rick M as your butler.

  4. 9000 Dollars a month?!?!?!? Dude, you can afford to do pretty much anything you want. If you need a butler, I'm available LOL

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