
I am moving to australia in a week new school in melebourne am just wondering is bullying a big thing there?

by Guest67020  |  earlier

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will i get bullied because i am new and from england




  1. Cool, I am in Melbourne right now and a student myself. And, don't worry I've lived in Victoria almost my whole life and only witnessed very few bullying (on average around 10-15 times daily) but these are of that involve teasing not random physical attacks which only happen around once a week. If you go with the right crowd everything should be fine.

    BTW, which school are you going to? I will need to know the school to get a relatively accurate yes or no answer.

    And, bullying is not as much of a big thing here as people may think. Usually, people are teased because of personality or appearance and sometimes even racial status.

  2. Nah dont worry about it..........they may try but if you are tuff they wont bother yah.

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