
I am navneet born 3 june 1988 (11.00AM friday) i want to marry varun born 28 dec1985. can i?

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I am navneet born 3 june 1988 (11.00AM friday) i want to marry varun born 28 dec1985. can i?




  1. Yes both of you are of proper age.. yes U can, only if you are female... if both are guys, sorry its illegal in India.. U;ll have to move to some other country like Canada

  2. This union can work, however you both love to travel therefore you may not spend much time together. You both tend to leave your fate to luck which can make this a risky relationship.

  3. Aren't navneet and varun both guys?

  4. the houses 2,7 and 11 works out for marriage.2 is addition of member,7 is legality and 11 for u both only 11 is opereating.and hence no marriage.

  5. If you want to know compatibility of your chart need varun's time of birth & both's place of birth

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