
I am neapolitan(southern italian).Am i white?

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I have black hair and black eyes.

I haven't taken arab or black .




  1. like who cares

  2. Kind of hard to say without a picture. I am an 'American so am I white? I think you get what I mean and I do not mean to be disrespectful. I could be Asian or African American or even Native American.

  3. If anybody was white, they would look like Casper.  They would have been a mutation and when they were born their picture would be splashed on covers of magazines all over the country, maybe over the world.

    A lot of black people have some white ancestry due to slavery.  

    However, what are called white people(caucasians) come in many shades. Some are the skin cancer type and some have a good  tan.  

    Yes, southern Italians including Sicilians are caucasians(white) people.  So are the Spanish.

    Edit: I was born with red hair and blue eyes and a skin cancer type pigmentation.  I disagree wholeheartedly with Clarence.  There are darker pigmented people even within families from Northern European ancestry.  You can consider yourself white, unless you absolute don't want to.

  4. No, not White, but yes you are Caucasian. Contrary to social beleif 'Caucasian' doesn't mean White. Caucasian is a major and general racial category which included several sub-racial categories. So within Caucasian racial group there is White (Northern, Central, and parts of Eastern Europe), Mediterranean (Southern Europe and part of Middle East), and Middle Eastern/North African. Since you are Italian you are most likely 'Mediterranean' not 'White' as it is socially used. Though, any european can be white, middle eastern, or mediterranean because of mixing within the caucasian racial group. For example northern italians have ancestry from northern european tribes that is why many of the northeners are very fair, but the southern peoples have native roots in italy from the Latin/Greco  peoples. So, if you are dark looking and most of your ancestry is similar to you, then you don't need to consider yourself "white". Although, the US census sheets say that anyone with ancestry in Europe, Middle East, or North Africa is considered white, but oddly enough not many people from the Mediterranean or Middle East/North African identify as being white for the simple reason that their skin is dark and not fair, and their countries are very different than "white" countries. You shouldn't pay attention to census sheets anyways they still don't give middle eastern peoples their own category though they give asians an abundant amount of ridiculous choices. Anyways, to sum up my answer: No, you are probably not white, but you are caucasian (Anthropolgy term: Caucasioid). Hope I helped.

  5. Most likely yes

    however "neapolitan" is a description of place- not ethnic origins. For all I know you might be of mixed Inuit/Zulu parentage


    Does it really matter?

    Are you a good person? honourable? trustworthy?

    If so, I would be happy to call you a friend, regardless of your race, religion or other details

  6. Judging from your profile, you are more gray than white.

    Not that it matters, but suppose you could say you are white. It depends on what you are basing it on. My ex-husband is from Southern Italy and he looks like you discribe your self as. When filling out forms, your choises are usually white, black, native america,....but no check box for neapolitan. He just checks the white box.

  7. Have a look in the mirror. You may be olive or tanned in complexion.

  8. Anche io sono napoletano.

    Ho visto che vivi qui in Italia, cosi ti rispondo direttamente in italiano.

    Noi siamo bianchi. E' vero siamo un po' scuri.

    Ma questo solo perchè viviamo in luogo molto soleggiato, non perchè ci siamo mescolati coi neri altrimenti dovremmo anche avere i tratti negroidi.

    E' tipico della razza mediterranea essere un o' scura ma essa è bianca al 100%

    Io e te fisicamente siamo uguali.

    Hai fatto la tua o la mia di descrizione?

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