
I am nervous about my height for volleyball. Opinions?

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Right now i am going into eighth grade. I am currently 5'6''. I LOVE playing volleyball. I made my A team last year at school and did club this last year. This year i am confident that i am one of the best or THE best girl in my grade that will be trying out for the volleyball. I am not being cocky but i get aggravated playing with the girls and all the floor burns i get from trying to get the balls that they shank. My estimated height is somewhere around 5'8''. I would LOVE to play volleyball in college and maybe (im not sure about what the chances for this is) go onto playing professional volleyball. maybe make the olympic team! it has been a dream of mine ever since a boy from the high school i am going to go to made the olympic team and is currently on it. He is 6'9'' and so i fear that not only my technique but my height will hold me back from accomplishing this. (by the way my goal is to be a hitter, im fine with being a setter because i used to be one but i would rather hit)




  1. At my school there is lots of girls who are short that are on the team. Just try out. It doesnt matter of your height, just how good you play. :)

    Hope this helps.

  2. Well, that's great that you have such great aspirations. I also play volleyball. I'm about 5'8" but i can't jump at all. Ultimatley your skill will show and most likely get you on the team, but once it gets to college they do get a little more picky and want really tall beast girls.

    but never give up! you can do it if you have the desire

  3. im also a volleyball player and im currently 5'7". i too have high goals for myself in the sport but what i had to get over and what you will that being 5'8" or so in college ball is HARD to do.

    if you get picked up by a scout you will probably have to be working as a libero or a middle back. but libero is probably your best bet. you need to have the most polished technique out there...because sadly...this IS a height bias-ed sport. and a girl that has POTENTIAL to become better could get picked up over your POLISHED technique just because she has a few more inches on you.

    just make sure that if this is what you really want you work your heart out, your parents need to be pretty supportive in helping you (especially when it comes time to get a private coach on the side) and you commit make it 150%...anything less wont get ya there. its sad to think about...but true (unfortunately)

    i hope ive helped! please feel free to ask any more questions. im about to be a senior..and have been playing volleyball for awhile if ya need me.

  4. My friends, Katie and Tracy Lindquist, are sisters who play on the Association of Volleyball Professionals (AVP) Tour. They're 5'6" and have "killer" defensive skills. They do well on the AVP Tour and have had two 3rd places finishes this year. You can take a look at their web site:

    My advice is to not worry about your height. You're in 8th grade now and will continue to grow as a player (physically and mentally).

    Best wishes in the future,


  5. When try-out  scouts look for players, height is just a bonus.

    If you are tall then great. You will stand out more. If not then you have to use your skill and coachibility to stand out.

    Not having height makes you work harder and coaches will notice that more than a tall girl who isn't as good.

  6. my sister is 5'4 and she was the best on her junior high team. she was a setter and voted the MVP. once u hit hs EVERYONE is improving VERY much! just make sure u keep improving. but after u improve so much, u hit a stoping point. well not like that..but u only improve little by little, and everyone starts to be the same as you. this proly doesnt make a lot of since, but trust me when u r in hs this will make a ton of since.

  7. dont worry about it! short players are sometimes the best

  8. It doesnt really matter in volleyball about your height.  All it matters is your skill.  If you have good skills, you can cover that up with your height.  However, it might be a disadvantage the fact that you MIGHT not be able to spike the ball.  Try jumping ropes?  Lol, i did that and got pretty tall..

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