
I am new to astrology and wanted to know more about a couple of things concerning personality traits etc.?

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My sun sign is Sag. My moon sign is in Scorpio and my rising sign is Aries. What is the postive/negative traits to this combo and who am I most compatiable with?




  1. Hi,

    because you have a Fiery Sun/Watery Moon combo, this makes you more emotionally intense, sensitive than most other Fire signs. Your Aries Rising is in sync with your Sun but both Sun & Rising could clash a little with the Moon traits.

    Although you are adventurous, enjoys new challenges and experiences, you may be a little too impulsive, reckless and aggressive at times. However, you have the tenacity and determination to finish projects and tasks whenever you engage your emotions so this is a good grounding force for the Fiery energies in you.

    The best match for you could be either a fellow Fire Sign (Aries or Leo) or a Water sign (you have the Moon in Scorpio and a Water Sun sign, esp. Scorpio Sun, could resonate beautifully with your energies).

    However, if you pair up with a fellow Fire Sign, it'd be great if there is some significant Water or Earth element in him such as a Water/Earth Moon to counteract the Watery Moon energies in you. Similarly, if you pair up with a Water sign, it'd be best if he has some significant Fire element to counteract the Fiery energies in you, such as a Fire Moon.

    So Scorpio Sun with a Fire Moon, Aries with a Water/Earth Moon would be good for you.

  2. saggi girls are the best !

    be yourself

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  3. Sagittarius/Scorpio

    The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces much self-reliance, and a life that develops very rapidly in the early years. You know what you want and you know how to achieve your ends; a true go-getter. Blended are the well-developed capacity for judgment and wisdom innate in Sagittarius, and the Scorpio's knack for throwing everything into a project and fighting until the battle is won. Thus, it is easy to see why you can accomplish so much when you set your mind to it. Optimism and determination; a truly hard combination to defeat. Your nature is subtle and clever, as well, making you good at strategy in handling affairs in business or in the professions. The challenge of this position is handling people with tact and diplomacy, controlling temperament, and avoiding too direct or too blunt of an approach. You have to avoid conflict to really succeed. Your mind is quick and the ability to think on your feet is really superb, but all of this quickness is wasted if you are too impetuous. You have a lot of emotional energy, which when under the control and direction of your will and your mind, gives the force to achieve very high objectives in life. Actually, there is a good bit of sensitivity in your nature, and much of your aggressiveness is a defense that instinctively attacks. Your attacks are aimed right at the most vulnerable spot in what you say or do. You need to concentrate on listening to the opinions of others, and control your emotional reactions, allowing them to work for you.

  4. Based on those 3, you will have an extremely high compatibility with Libra.

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