
I am new to warhammer 40k and i need to know if this is enough for an army

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i will have the assault on black reach set along with a land raider a techmarine with 4 serviters a tactical squad and a chaplain with a power fist will that be enough to enter tournaments




  1. That all depends on the tournament you are intending to enter of course. if we suppose that the tournament uses standard scenarios from the 5th ed rules then no, you will need more tactical squads or scouts because most (2/3) of the missions played rely on seizing objectives, and only troops can do this.

    if you are new to the hobby , i would get the codex first, then you can study the army composition and make more informed decisions about what you need in the army, its hard to say what points you have because i don't know what weaponry upgrades you are using (for example ,technical combat or gun servitors, and what guns are on the gun servitors, what are the special weapons in your tactical squad etc ect ect).

    i would also recommend you don't throw your self headlong into atournamentt. you would be far better going to a shop and playing a few games, get a feel for your forces and figure out what you need next.

    PS-standardtournamentt force is 1500-2000pts, an apocalypsetournamentt is 300-5000 and a speed freaks tournement (these arent overley common) is 500-750 points woth  no HQ cchoices  

  2. Yes,

    I believe that the Assault on Black Reach  will get you enough Troop choices with and additional Tactical squad and points.

    Effectiveness of the army is another matter.

  3. Depending on upgrades and the entry requirements of the tournament (some require only a 1500 point army; others as much as 2000 points or more) you should have enough to enter.

    You won't, however, have enough to do very well.  More Troops will be essential to any winning strategy.

  4. Well not really you need about 1800 points for a tournament and with only 2 troop choices the units will have to be upgraded until they are no longer worth the points cost.

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