
I am ninteen and my parents are telling when and when not to use my computer is that right?

by  |  earlier

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My father busted the last computer we had. A little later my Papa sent my brother and I one for Christmas. The family shares my computer and my father claims that they have control of it since they pay for the internet to it. How will I be able to take my computer with me when I move with out an arguement. The computer is the only thing I have left from my Grandfather since he passed away in June. This year was really depressing for me. Since I did not even get to spend my b-day with him this year. It would have been for the first time in my life.




  1. It is a gift for you and your brother. So really you should share it with your brother. Your father has a good point, he is paying for the internet, if he wasn't you wouldn't have a computer that works so you can be on the internet.

    Offer to pay for the internet yourself. Then it should be between you and your brother as to whether or not you take the computer and how you two can arrange to share it

    I am sorry to hear about the loss of your Grandfather. I miss mine dearly

  2. Ok so I'm a little confused, did you and your brother both get one or did you get one to share?  I don't know I guess it's a win lose situation because it is YOUR computer, but if your parents didn't pay the bill you wouldn't have a computer!  If you want your own computer save up for one and buy your own and internet!  Tell your dad that it's the only thing you have left of him and how much it really means to you, he should understand!  Good luck!

    P.S.~  I'm sorry about your grandfather!  My grandma passed away not too long ago to!  Just think of the bright side he's in a better place and is always with you and looking down at you where ever you go!  He's not gone, he's always goinc to be with you!

  3. you live under their roof so you live by their rules sorry but thats just the way it is if you dont like it move

  4. tell them to buy their own computer.

    or start paying for the internet yourself.

  5. He gave it to you and your brother, so you jointly own it.  

  6. my father takes control too but we told him that its not just his and he eventually gets bored of it in a while. ask to use it when they are in a good mood and busy, be nice.  : )

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