
I am no fan of the brit royal family but PRINCE HARRY has lifted them 1000% in my opinon buy his actions?

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He has served his country, his people and has shown to the other royals that being of blue blood does not mean automatic rights to peoples respect. Harry you have my utmost respect, as have all the boys,( all soldiers from all nations) fighting for our right to live without fear of attack




  1. Yes I agree with you. He has all the priviledges in the world but he choose to fight on the front line. He's a great example

  2. Yes I am with you on this one. I am really proud of him & thats the first time I have ever felt proud of a royal

  3. In 1939 I sailed to France as part of the B.E.F. and ended up holding the line so the rest good escape through Dunkirk,did Five years more as a P.O.W. then came home on release to no bands playing but to find my two kids dumped on my mother and the wife ******* off with some yank, then this chap on tele news says" H arry ,s been in Adghanistan 10 weeks it,s a long time"

  4. I disagree. If he was going to be taken out early, then all the rest of the soldiers should had been too. Why should he get preferential treatment?

  5. for all those who critise Prince Harry, at least he has gone out onto the front line and risked his life to protect Britain, what have you done to help protect your country?

  6. He did his job. Can't expect more than that.

  7. Victoria crosses all round, hoooorah for Harry! dont get carried away a simple PR stunt. next the ar8e hole will be a full 4 star General .

  8. Well said. Three Chreers for Harry!!

  9. He's the only decent one in the family.

  10. I agree but can't understand why there is so much negative feeling towards him on this site.

  11. total PR exercise by the palace - 10 weeks, then home with a campaign medal, and media interviews telling us how exciting it was to lie out beneath the stars at night. Come on!

    Although I respect the guy for his courage and don't mean to belittle him for his contribution, its hardly worth the media coverage its getting. "Warrior Prince" - pssssh

  12. And your question was what exactly??

    Harry has done a good job no doubt, as have all the other soldiers but nobody is feting them like they had just done the best thing in the world.....what we should be asking is why the media insist on focusing on one person because of who his parents are rather than offering regular, morale boosting support to the rest of the armed services.

  13. I agree, I think he's lifted everybody's opinion of the royals and he's certainly done a great PR job for them. Maybe that's what they wanted though. The royals can surely allow or stop whoever they want from serving on the front line.  I just find it strange that the guy they chose is the one who looks remarkably like Princess Diana's riding instructor.

  14. I totally agree. he is more bothered about serving his country in the best possible way he can than fame/media coverage. I think it's sad that they brought him home.

  15. he hasnt lifted my views of the royal family at all

    but as a individual i respect him but i think we all knew that he was d decent guy trying to be normal but the papers just show us what they sensationalise

    2 things i do think, funny how he was away from the country at a time that disasterous court case about his mothers death is all over the papers

    also fair play to the british press, for the first time ever i have a bit of respect for the BRITISH press

    x*x   vici

  16. So He has Your utmost respect

    Separating him from REAL SOLDIERS

    His Regiment were posted to Afghanistan in Oct 2007

    He makes a show in Dec 2007

    The main base in Afghanistan has never been attacked and is considered far more safe than The main base in Iraq Basra

    It's common knowledge there is very little conflict in Afghanistan during the winter months due to the weather

    This Twit is withdrawn before the Spring offensive

    The details regarding him being in Afghanistan were posted on an Australian web site shortly after his arrival  This was common knowledge  before the American Media "Leaked The Story"

    I would suggest You save Your Respect FOR THE REAL HERO'S


    One has offered You an answer

    Gunga Din.... I Honour You Sir


    I served in The Falklands and a few Tours in N/Ireland and it was with no c**p Hat Unit

    How many are still waiting to be compensated for this so called Gulf War Syndrome by the way or are they all dead now

    most of us don't have a problem with our Parentage

  17. Not only Harry's location was uncovered, but that of his entire squad! -why just bring Harry home? his men are just as valuable to their families as Harry is to anyone else. When all is said and done he is only another person doing a job.

  18. Good for Harry ....

  19. He seems like a nice guy.

  20. According to the local tabloids "prince" Harry was only stationed in "south-western Afghanistan for 10 weeks". Now he's off at one of mummsy's dozens of summer homes. 10 weeks is an insult to the real troops who put their lives on the line. If just a casual photo opportunity mounting a machine gun or tank is enough for all doubt to be removed that the rich don't serve than you deserve your "prince".

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