
I am non-EU student. I want to go abroad for my further studies. which is better France or Germany? ?

by Guest66856  |  earlier

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I am a non-EU student. Please tell me which is better in terms of ease of living and survival, less expensive etc also which is better for studying?




  1. Go to the UK. You can get far more support there.

  2. how bout Australia :)

  3. That would depend on how you are received in either country and what they're education levels promote in your field of interest. If I were you I would see who has the most respected credits from other schools and take it from there. Either way may God grace you with your decision to His glory, and if you seek Him in this matter I am sure you will not have a problem deciding.

  4. I think it could  be better if you go on France for your is just my opinion,cause i know that france always provide a best type of learning,but you can deside on your own,your on the right age....  

  5. To me i would say france would be better . But germany is cheaper and its quiet expensive in some parts of france not as expensive as the uk thow. Germanys boring and France is exciting in my veiw but  everyone is diffrent.

    Good luck


  6. Germany, great place you will love it

    its clean its full of history and its green with castles the people are great  

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