
I am not a Republican or Democrat...but my question is?

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Are there any black Republicans? I watched the RNC last night, I saw 3 black people. I had my office get me tapes today of the last Republican convention...same thing.....are there no black Republican delegates?




  1. The GOP change is simple represent how is was back during "segregation" and get money..

  2. Uhhh - Colin Powel, Clyde Drexler, Karl Malone, Condileeza Rice, Booker T Washington, Roy Innnis, Don King - oh yeah, Martin Luther King, Jr....

    Just to name a few, though they're not actually delegates

  3. Why, is that important to you?Do you think that they should woe some in with lies about what they are going to do for them like the they can be seen on TV like tokens?You are leaning left. And the GOP doesn't stage the crowd as the dems do. Is the Aunt influencing your thinking?Listen to our Southern Belle, she will steer you the RIGHT direction.

    Also, of all people, I thought you would know that having kids does not keep you from being anything you want to be. Wait until after you hear from her before making a decision. What does your Mother say? You would not want to hear what my G-Mother said about politics. She's been gone for years but, she never seemed to be wrong.

  4. Most blacks are brainwashed to vote Democrat because of entitlements.

  5. My whole family is black and everyone is a democrat in my family. The KKK and the aryan nation tend to be republic.  

  6. First off....why does it matter how many of what race is in which political party? Secondly......Yes there are black republicans. Believe it or not....they actually have their own website.

    FUN FACT #27: Martin Luther King Jr. - Republican

  7. Alan Keyes

  8. Yes, but few. They are very selective. Most of us hard working, taxpaying

    earthlings do not fit their mold.  

  9. Republicans are mainly old white people that just want to go to war

  10. Of course there are black Republicans.  The people at the convention ARE the delegates, dear.  Just because you are a certain race does not mean you are automatically going to vote for a specific party.

    Some examples:  Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, Clarence Thomas.

  11. There aren't a terrible lot I can think of in power. Condoleeza Rice, of course.

    I had to check wiki for a list.

    Edit: Aha! Found what you were looking for. There were 36 black delegates. Check out the second link.

    Democrats, according to link, have twice that. :)

  12. I personally know several blacks that are Republicans and I even know a few g**s that are as well. Despite the stereotype that the media and Democrats like to portray the Republicans have people from every group.

  13. Many - JC Watts comes to mind.

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