
I am not a loner i have alot of friends but.........?

by  |  earlier

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i always just want to be by myself when they ask me to go hang out with them to partys i reject their offers

i rather be by myself than with others, why?




  1. Why worry about it? If that's what you ant to do, do it. When you are ready to be with your friends, you will be. If they are truly your friends, they'll understand and accept you as you are.

  2. dunno. just the way you are i guess. i get that way sometimes too

  3. Same with me

    You need to accept yourself first

    before you can accept others...

  4. Probably introverted, I am as well.

  5. Maybe because you are an original thinker and subconsciencly (or consciencly) avoid falling victim to the "way of the crowd" or maybe you just FEEL MORE COMFORTABLE BEING BY YOURSELF which is normal.  

  6. There are times when we all need our own space. I do, I'm sure most people do.

    Perhaps your reasons for not wanting to hang and party with your pals is because you aren't interested in doing those things. Just because you all hang around at one time or another, does not mean you will want to hang around for ever. Start doing the things that you enjoy and perhaps invite a few of your friends to join you.

  7. sometimes it is simply the way you are.

    i too just want to be by myself although i know i have to interact with others, i do so without feeling.

    as long as you are happy to be by yourself then your totally fine. there are 6 billion people in the world, so not everyone has to be social.

    there are bound to be people who feel exactly like you. i for one am one of those. i too have many friends by like to be by myself.

    you know, the "why" to your question is that you simply are. that's all there is, unless of course you are feeling depressed. then that's a different story. in that case i would recommend you seek help.

    if not just be yourself.

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