
I am not able to get cable in my new home because comcast said they weren't able to run a wire from a poll?

by  |  earlier

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Don't they have to do everything for me to get it from another poll or something, i live in the middle of the city not out in the country. I have been waiting for almost 3 weeks. Isn't costumer satisfaction first. I think they just don't want to do it because it a lot of work, but i am going to pay for the service.




  1. Comcast is famous for horrible service. Your better off without it. Get DirecTV. Been with them for 5 years and no issues.  

  2. There is typically a lot more to it than just conecting a cable from a pole, Where I live if you are building a house in a new development it costs anywhere from $1500 to $5000 to get a new utility hook up, Telephone, Cable, Gas, you name it.  The Cable company is not the party responsible for getting the cable to your house, you would be as the first person getting the cable in your building.

  3. Check out the Consumerist (check source..), they help a lot of people get stuff done with Comcast (possibly worst customer-service oriented company in the US).  If you are in the city Comcast should be able to do something for you.

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