
I am not an attorney, but can I file my own redhibition law suit in regards to a house i just purchased.. ?

by  |  earlier

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My husband I bought a house in November 2007. he house was inspected before the closing. No mention was made of termite damage.

Can I file my own redhibition law suit against the people involved on my own or do I need an attorney to do so for me, If I do need to get an attorney, does anyone out here know of an attorney in Rapides Parish in Alexandria or Pineville, Louisiana. Please help




  1. In general yes you can go Pro-se, but you will have to be able to outline the cause of action under your states statute, if you are talking about monies value higher then your states small claims limit you probably need to seek out a lawyer

    Depending on the amount of the terminate damage,  the inspector most likely has a clause within the contract to limit their liability, then on the seller its known of the issue and attempted to cover it up

  2. are you sure you requested a termite inspection? that is usually a separate cost from the primary house inspection -what is redhibition  - never heard that word before

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