
I am not bad at swimming and i was thinking about joining the swim team, but i'm not sure if it is me.?

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  1. Its tough work if you are not used to it i should know i am on a HS Swim team and didn't do very well my first year but if you are ready for the commitment (and i was) i say go for it. it will be hard at first but it is a lot of fun you just have to stick to it and don't give up know matter how much you want to or how you feel after a good long practice that is the makings of a successful swimmer. and the practices will be hard at times but you have to stick to it, and you will do great. i say go for it if it is something you really want to do. and for if it is you there is no question that it is you because just thinking about it makes it for you most kids won't even think about swimming so i say that you are ment to swim if you are even thinking about it.

  2. you have to be ready to commit to practice. My swim team practices everyday for 2 hours. Its hard work but it pays off when everyone is cheering together for the meets...  

  3. Well, how would I or anyone know if it's for you? No one knows yourself better than, well, you! You know this question is going to get either a optimistic response or pestimistic response. I asked if it was possible for me to become an Olympic Diver in 8 years (I'm 15) and that was the result. One lady made me realize that it's pointless asking questions on Y!A because you will never know until you try. So get off Y!A and do something!

  4. ry...Give it a try!  Hey, that rhymes!  You won't know unless you try, so go for it. Give it a chance & don't be a quitter until you have given it your all. My two oldest granddaughters are on the swim team here & both are doing fantastic. The younger one wasn't sure if she was going to like it, so we all told her to keep an open mind & give it a chance. She has stuck with it & she's glad she did.  

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