
I am not carbon friendly......Do you hate me for it?

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I am the furtherest thing from econess. The word makes me want to be sick. My parents drive gas guzzlers i live in a huge house and have more electronical goods than your mother. Do you hate me for it???




  1. yes

  2. no, i mean hates a pretty strong word for someone i don't even know

    I'm not about to go throwing stones in a glass house because I think we all could do more

  3. h**l No!

    I agree with 'khepri' and 'turingschild'.

    I just wish I had your resources so that I could do the same!

    Only I haven't lived with my parents for over 35 years now.

    I wonder if they'll take me back?

  4. kinda. pls help the environment. it helps us. without it we wouldnt be able to cope. do NOT misuse it.

    its not like we can just press the RESET button on Earth.

    this is our ONLY Place. what we were MEANT to live on.

    ONLY ONLY ONLY by god. so think TWICE.

    no reset button here.

  5. Yes, but only cause you have more then me.

  6. doesn't bother me a bit , what i'm afraid of is what if they'll come a time when the world goes to worst and there is chaos bc of global warming, i'm sure where the mobs will head first and torture the responsible ones.

  7. No, I don't hate you for it, and I'm a small farmer, on a permaculture farm, living a VERY earth friendly lifestyle.

    We call people like your family "consumers."  You are people who consume are not proucers of goods.

    We need people who are consumers, and who use their credit cards charging up balances and buying useless things from stores.

    You help to drive the economy, and Stock Market.  People like you help make good days on the Stock Market, and with yearly shareholder reports.  The need to keep the economy purring along, and Government happy is an important job.  It's important that you continue to go to work for an employer, and make those monthly credit card payments.  

    Frankly, it's also important that you never think outside the box, and figure out how to do things for yourself, or become independant.  I'm sure you think I'm being mean or picking on you and your family, but I'm actually not.  It truely is important to have consumers.  Without having people who consume what is produced, the markets, and economy would stagnate.

    People like me, who are fiercely independant, would like to see more people like your family driving the economy up, and holding off the eventual collapse as long as possible.  The longer consumers like your family hold off economic and Government collapse, the better set up folks like myself will be.  

    Your kind of a buffer for us.  

    That way, if something like another Great Depression, bird flu, World War III, Government/social collapse, serrious natural disaster (global warming/ice age, whatever) happens folks like me and my family well be well set up to withstand, adapt, and overcome whatever life has to throw at us.

    At that point however, of TEOFWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it), your lable of "consumer" then become known as the walking dead, the hungry hordes, the misserable masses, ect.

    Keep up the good work!  I, my family, and thousands of others like myself are depending on people like you and your family!


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

    Per your edit.  Even though your family (or at least Dad) is a farming family, my answer really does not change in the least.

    You yourself state that your family buys everything.  I think this is especially sad for farming families.  The majority of farming families no longer have anymore ability to suport themselves, and at least feed their own family, than someone living in a New York apartment.  

    Personally, I find the entire idea that nearly every American, even Americans who are farmers (!!!) are completely dependant on the gas stations, grocery stores, seed suppliers, chemical fertilizer and pesticide suppliers, ect.  

    Modern agriculture has become so completely dominated by the huge companies, like Monsanto, farmers have become "stuck" in accepting that the idea those mega companies put forth are the ONLY way to farm.

    Not only do I find it to be sad, but I find it to be especially disturbing to hear about farming families which cannot operate their farm without imput from the outside world.

    On our farm, our major imput from the outside world are salt and mineral blocks for the animals.  That's it.  We don't buy seed, fertilizers, chemicals, or fuel.  We produce everything else we need.  Our farm is a closed loop system....a permaculture farm.  

    Even if the price of fuel rose to $10 a gallon, we'd still be able to operate our farm, and continue to grow food for ourselves, and also produce food for others.  

    I dare say, since you stated your family purchases everything, your family and your families farm are completely at the mercy of others.  It's no better than working in some office someplace and facing a pink slip during a round of layoffs.  You are at the mercy of others to set your future (seed price, fertilizer price, fuel prices, and the price of the very food you eat).  In a way, you and your farming family also face "pink slips, " and from outside forces you have zero control over.  

    Spring is just starting.  You have a chance to start changing your farming families future.  Why not see just how much of the food you can grow yourself for your Thanksgiving dinner?  The turkey, the wheat for the stuffing, the potatoes, the cranberries (not all of them grow in bogs), ect.  Why not give it a try, and see how completely different it feels to sit down to a Thanksgiving dinner you have completely produced yourself.  This is a challenge (friendly) from one farming family, to another.

  8. yes, yes we do.

  9. No but you're probably wasting a lot of money along with energy.

  10. each their own..Live and let live.

  11. I could care less.

    But could you send me the last computer you tossed? It'll probably outperform what I have now!

  12. Man I love you, If i could I would buy you a bud light.

    but I cant, i can however give you a star!!!!

  13. Hate is a very strong word.  I am disappointed in you.  You should really give to others instead of living in excess the way you do!  Watch

    Being materialistic is nothing to be proud of.

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