
I am not getting any clients for marketing and its been 3 months.?

by  |  earlier

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My other co worker is getting contracts from clients but here I am doing calls, emails ,..etc yet, its been since march and its June 25, I dont have any clients.

I get stressed out when my boss ask me " when are you going to have a client?"

I keep telling him that I am trying hard but Im thinking inside my head " please shut the f**k up already sheesh".

I hate marketing, I got this job my a friend though. The pay is $1200 a month plus comission.

Any tips on how to get clients?




  1. Get another attitude or get another job.  I have been trying to get into the marketing field for 11 years now.  It's a tough, competitive field.  You have to love what you are doing, to do it well.

    Why don't you ask your co worker for some tips.  They might be willing to share some ideas with you.

  2. I have to agree with the first person. If you don't enjoy what you are doing, it is probably reflected in your attitude and your prospective clients can no doubt pick up on that.

    If you are working your tail off and earning only $300 a week, that's not a whole lot of money to walk away from. You would be better off seeking a position that you enjoy in a field that you could be more passionate about. If you love what you do, the money will follow.

    If you decide to tough it out, you need to realize that the only way you are going to get clients is by approaching each client with a message that is specific to them and the needs of their business. If you're not taking the time to learn about their business or what they do (by reading their website or visiting their stores), then there is no way you are going to be able to appeal to them.

    As a marketing director, I get cold calls all the time. Most of them are very short in nature, because I can always tell which solicitors have taken the time to learn about my business and have tailored their sales pitch to address my business.

    Also, do you know your company's product or service forwards and backwards? Can you speak about it in a way that inspires confidence in your prospect? Or are you simply reading from a script and hoping you don't lose your place before they hang up on you?

    I wish you luck with your career. Marketing is a very rewarding field, but it is not easy.

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