
I am not happy at our church but my husband is, please read!?

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I guess being that I am a woman and women seem to hear more than men do, I am bothered by things that go on there and my husband is fine with being there. I feel that my duty as a christian wife is to back him and go where he goes but there are things that the pastor is even doing that God would not be pleased with and they have even stopped Sunday school classes because he said that is what God told him to do. The pastors wife and assistant pastors wife misses church at least 90% of the time if not more. There is so much more to tell but I wont go into detail. I almost want to cry knowing that is where I have to go to church now. I have talked to my husband but he said just let things blow over and it will get better but this is an ongoing situation there. Is it wrong for me to tell him that he can stay there if he feels led to but I am going to find another church that can offer more spiritul growth.




  1. Girl you have to read this explanation on the woman in the Church.  What is going on at your church is a prime example of why we need to read our Bibles and follow God and not men at Church.  If you are a woman who needs a enlightening explanation for what the church means and is, please read.

    Scroll down to Example 2: Discussion Example: Women in the Church.  This gives an awesome explanation for all women (and men alike), for the whole Bible.

  2. People can sometimes turn a blind eye to things that are obvious to everyone else. It sounds like your church is in trouble. I understand your feelings that you need to go where your husband goes, HOWEVER, you need to be true to your conscience. If you would be happier at another church, by all means find another that makes you feel better. Let your husband go to his church. Once he sees that you are happier at your church, he may be willing to switch. He may be worried about going to a new church and meeting new people. If you sit with a bad situation long enough, eventually it will become more comfortable than the unknown.  

  3. Your church & the people there should give you comfort. If it's not, then it's not a very good church.

    My opinion would be to find a more comfortable church to attend. But, if this causes conflict with your husband then I would simply consider stop going to church all together for a while & give your self a break from the drama.  

  4. you don't HAVE to go to church there if you don't want to. I understand you want to support your husband but if that church makes you unhappy find a different one for yourself.

  5. why don't you go to a couple of different churches in the area and try to find one where both of you are happy.

    If you can't find one you both like you can still come back.

  6. Sounds serious, in a couple of ways.

    First, your husband should be aware of these things as well.  Can he not see that the pastor's wives aren't in church?  Or that there are not classes?

    You're to be commended in wanting to work with your husband, but he needs to be aware of your opinion in all of this as well.

    Can you compromise perhaps, in that if things don't "blow over" in a certain time, say, a month, that he'll go with you to another fellowship?

    A problem ignored isn't a problem solved.  At some point, he'll need to see and react to what's going on.

    Blessings to you all.

  7. I don't think you're wrong. Obviously the pastor's wife feels that she needs to be elsewhere, so why shouldn't you?  

  8. Don't take this the wrong way but when i hear a person complain about what is going on in their church it's usually more the are there to get to know your lord and savior and to grow as husband and wife if what is going on ..other people's talking..other peoples non attendance other people's motives for being there or not being there if these things are spiritualy crippling for you then you two may have to talk..i have friends who go to seperate churches and one couple who are two different long as you stay focused on what god has planned for you..things have a way of working out.  Good Luck and God Bless.

  9. You must tell him what you see there. You're his other half.

  10.    I would say get out of there. My Pastor and his wife are always ay church. They are people also and influenced by the devil. Deception ever so minuet. Your husband needs to open his eyes and ears. People like to make there own rules when they think have some power.  

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