
I am not into Bush but now I prefer him to Mc Cain. Anyone else thinks this way?

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Mc Cain is even worse than Bush




  1. I've always preferred President Bush over McCain.  And I'll always prefer President McCain over Odumber.  h**l I'd prefer Hillary over Odumber and those that know me, knows that is saying something.  

  2. **cough, cough** Obama supporter **cough, cough**

  3. Bush is okay, I think they guy deserves alot more credit for keeping America safe.    I am for McCain and think they are COMPLETELY different!    McCain is more of independant and is against wasteful spending and I think he is smarter than Bush .   Way smarter than obama!   obama's plans just suck for America and would cause a depression.   WE NEED MORE ENERGY BADLY!  Obama wants to give us LESS ENERGY!

  4. "YAWN".......boring already........get a's been said.......


  5. I would have to agree with you. We know what we have now, we don't know what we will be getting with McCain. The Republicans have to be disappointed in the selection no matter if she is/was Governor of Alaska, there are far more people that have served this country in Government longer and better than she has. Give her the time she needs to get that experience, not push her into the spot light for everyone to question what she's all about.

  6. No way McCain is the best.


  7. You are so on your own there, Buddy.

  8. How much more does bush have to s***w you over before you understand how bad of a president he is? And McCain isnt worse, he's the same thing, replacing stupidity with forgetfulness.

  9. Nooooo Way!

  10. they are both the same....

  11. Bush & our military eventually will go down in history for protecting this nation from further attack by Al Queida and the Taliban, who are in their last throes now.

  12. Poor Georgy...I guess dumb wasn't so bad after all....

  13. no way!

  14. No. I preferred McCain over bush in 2000. Had it not been for the likes of pat robertson and jerry falwell, we would have been seeing an end to the McCain presidency instead of bush.

  15. Nah, nothing could be worse than bush, well, except a female(Palin) bush.

  16. there both exactly the same. stupid and odd. no offence to them or anything...

  17. care to share why you feel this way?

  18. i don't know if you can get below bush, i'd say he's on the same level as's "bush 3 and the mother from h**l campaign"

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