
I am not on benefits thank u but even working people struggle from time to time?

by Guest33372  |  earlier

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I am not on benefits thank u but even working people struggle from time to time?




  1. Yes, I struggled when I was working but now I'm REALLY struggling on unemployment.  Looking for work but it's hard.

  2. Four children, 27 weeks pregnant (according to your previous questions) and not recieving benefits?

    Well you should be because you are entitled to child benefit at the very least.

  3. Me too.

  4. so how did you come to understand this?

  5. absolutly, i am a mum of threee kids aged 13, 11 and 8, i work full time and bloody hard too, i struggle every day, i sometimes think "i live to work" not work to live...

    i could easily give up sit at home and claim benefits and proberly be better off, my morgage would get paid and i could chill out every day, but i cant my kids would not respect me as they got older and i would feel worthless.

    so here here completly agree with you


  6. ~Quite honestly it is working people on the minimum wage or before what is termed the average wage that have the biggest struggle. Often just above receiving anything and have to pay for absolutely everything.  I feel sorry for people who are forced to be on benefits but there are also some who know how to 'milk' the system and have absolutely everything within their home, holidays etc. Of course these people also do not have to pay for spectacles, dental treatment, prescriptions etc. Yes! it's those mentioned at the beginning that are certainly the losers in UK.

  7. Depending on your circumstances you might be able to claim New Tax Credits if you live in the UK. If you haven't applied I think they have an on-line calculator at

  8. We are all struggling with the MASSIVE HIKE in prices of food, clothes, petrol and utility bills. Will we all end up on the streets ?

  9. Yep, i certainly do!!

  10. Well we are entering a recession.

  11. Yes, and we will feel the pinch a bit longer.  But the good side is a lot of the unnecessary stuff will go.  In my house we are looking more closely at where the money goes, and finding a lot of it was on non-essentials.  At least, current circumstances are making us think.

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