
I am not prego is it normal to feel the way i do?

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well i just had my baby 6 days ago and i feel like i hate my husband still is it hormones cause that what my mom said it takes a couple days to heal what is your honest opinion i mean befroe the pregnancy man i loved him :D and i still do but i am confused help!!!




  1. Yes your hormones are absolutely crazy right now, especially the first week or two after birth.  Hate is a pretty strong word to use for your husband... try to relax, enjoy your baby, and try to find something positive about the man you love instead of focusing on 'hating' him so much.

    Congratulations on the little one!!!

  2. -YOu -are going to post partum. Go on line and look up post partum it happened to me too I hated my husband as well but if you look it up and read about it. You will feel better!

  3. omg. yes. it's normal. i was the same way w/ everyone after i had my son. it took about 2 weeks for it to subside. really. just explain to your husband that you're sorry in advance, but childbirth takes alot out of you. i'm sure he'll understand. just take it easy, and accept whatever help you can get for the first month.


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