
what to do when not satisfied with your weight

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what to do when not satisfied with your weight? I've done 2 weeks a diet and have lost 3 kilos, but a week later i was back to my normal routine and gained back all the weight i lost. I'm about 156cm tall, female, 14 years old and have a weight of 56.5 kilos. Is it too much? Or normal? Can someone give me a hint on how I can get rid of extra fat? Also it would help if someone can provide tips on how to be comfortable with your weight. Thank you very much.

 Tags: satisfied, weight



  1. Fressatacken come mostly when you eat too little. Because the body may not starve now times. Your weight is a little high, but not much. With healthy food, the quiet sometimes what may be sweet or fat in and plenty of exercise you get away loose a few pounds. That just takes time. Usually fast again, fast abnehemn zunehemn means, you know.

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