
I am not sure if this is a dumb question about guinea pigs...?

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Can guinea pigs stay outside? The only reason why I ask, is that my husband and I want to take my family's guinea pig (we're moving and the only ones that really give him attention) the only problem is there are no pets allowed in the apartment so I was going to ask who is renting us the apartment if we could keep him on the patio, but would it be too hot/cold for him? We live in the SF Bay Area is CA to give you a sense of the weather..





  1. This is not a good idea at all.In your area it gets too cold at nite and possibly too hot during the day for g.p.s.Also there are numerous birds of prey that would love a nice g.p. meal right off a patio.No-pets -allowed rules generally apply to dogs and cats.I would just go ahead and bring the g.p. home at nite when no one is about.Don't tell anyone you have one.Keep the pig indoors.

  2. not a really good idea unless there is some way you can provide air conditioning and shade to the hutch

  3. Probably not a good idea. If someone wanted to, they could just climb up/ walk over and pick it up and walk away.

  4. I keep my guinea pigs outside in the summer.  They have a hutch on the patio and a run on the grass.  I live in the UK where summer temperatures can range from about 5 degrees celcius at night right up to 30 degrees celcius in the day.  In colder months I keep them in a shed for extra warmth and if the temperature dips below zero they come inside the house into their indoor cage.  I make sure they have alot of warm beddig and the hutch has a cover that can be put on to make sure it stays dry and for extra warmth when needed.  In the UK it is normal to keep guinea pigs outside and the RSPCA recommends it.  They never feel cold and the temperature in their sleeping area is cosy.

  5. It will be way too hot.  Guinea pigs do best at 65-75 F, higher temperatures can easily result in heat stroke and death.  Guinea pigs cannot sweat like humans and have a tough time regulating their body temperature in the heat.  Some great housing info:

    Many no pet apartments are willing to have caged pets if you put down a pet deposit.  There's always the option of finding a different apartment that does allow pets.  Sometimes it takes a bit of effort but pet friendly rentals are out there.

    Good luck.

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