
I am not sure?

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wanting to adopt but already have kids and wondering if they will take to each other or probally have problems with each other




  1. why adopt... why dont you just have some more yourself?

    and definitely dont do it until you are VERY sure.. of course their will be problems with the children, thats only natural

  2. im not sure you should have children if your emo...

  3. My husband and I both have children from our first marrages, him a girl who turns 18 next month who has lived with us for the past 5 years and me 2 boys, 10 and 13 who have always lived with me/us.  A few years ago when we started trying to have another child, we talked to all the children about what that would mean for them and the child.  We have just moved on to the adoption process and to them and again talked to them about it.  I think being honest with them is important.  

    Although they don't always get along (normal brother/sister relationship - bickering), they took to each other early on and I see no reason why they wouldn't accept another child or 2.  As long as each child still gets the financial and emotional support they need, I would say go for it.  However, if having more children will take away your ability to give the ones you currently have the appropriate attention or you would have the older children take care of the younger ones, then perhaps wait until you can better fill that role.  Good luck!

  4. Its sounds like adoption is a decision that should involve the whole family.  Have a family conference and discuss it.  See how your kids react.  Every change in a family can bring potential problems.  That is life.  But only you and the rest of your family could know if you all really want to do this.

  5. We have two biological sons & adopted two daughters.  We also have a foster daughter in our family through the end of the school year.

    The kids all act like born-into-the-family siblings with each other.  God forbid anybody comes in picking on one of the younger ones.  However, the younger ones are fair game for the older ones...and even among the older ones there's an open season.  LOL.

    They're like any other siblings.  They love each other, they irritate each other and everything in between.

    Don't worry about adopted kids not blending in or getting along.  If you handle things in a fair and consistent manner there's no reason there should be any problem.

  6. I'm sure they will....

  7. I believe all kids have problems with each other in one way or another!  :)  Siblings fight - regardless of whether or not they are biological, step-siblings, or adopted.  You need to ask yourself this question - if your spouse had children from a previous marriage, would you be as concerned as you are with considering adoption?  

    Good luck.

  8. well i think adopting a kid would be great. i myself would love to have a baby brother or sister and it would be great for your other children, it will also show them responsibility. but before u make this big move you should sit them down and ask what they think. u could get a positive or negative answer. if positive they will still argue for that is what siblings do but I'm sure they will welcome the child in to your family. anything is worth a try.

  9. i think it would be a good idea to adopt. before you do, talk to your kids about it and see how they react. tell them that they will make a new friend and have a new sibling. sorry, i just assumed they were young, but you get the point. i am sure they will love eachother.

    p.s. you can change the name if you would like. not that you should, just if you want.

  10. Why would you use someone else's account?  Yahoo is free.  Set up your own account.  Marina raises a question that should be run to ground before any guidance is provided.
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