
I am now 13 dpo and got the results from my beta hcg at 12 dpo and it came back to be 555 ?

by  |  earlier

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My mom is a twin and would like to know if anyone thinks it is high or could be twins ?




  1. Everywhere that I have read indicates that 555 at 12dpo is higher than the normal singleton pregnancy, but this isn't a sure fire was of determining multiples.

    When I was pregnant with my son, I had HCG levels in the right range, but it was always low...  Some people go more on the high side.  But, if there is a history of twins in the family the odds are obviously higher that you could be carrying twins.

    Good luck!

  2. That is really high!  Anything above 25 is considered I'd say there's a big chance of multiples.  Good luck!

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