
I am now 29 and I decided to start my first year College, please tell me that I am not a loser ? please ?

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I am now 29 and I decided to start my first year College, please tell me that I am not a loser ? please ?




  1. Don't be silly you are not a loser at all.  Good on you for having the guts and motivation to go.  You will probably do a lot better and take it more seriously than most younger people.  


  2. look it ok. ur doing fine and lots of people go to college late. thats just wut people do. U R NOT A LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  3. You're not a loser at all.

    AT ALL.

  4. You Are not a loser..

    YAY 2 POINTS! (tell me that made you smile! come on!)

  5. You're not a loser. There are plenty of people who go to college at your age. I'm proud of you for not letting your age hold you back.  

  6. Heck no! Your making a smart choice and investment for your future. A good majority of Americans don' even graduate highschool. And there have been Senoirs who were actually senoirs in highschool. Just proof that your never to old to learn.

  7. My friend, remember that love and knowledge (education) are never bound to the restrictions of age limitations.  Time and Tide never wait for any one (though it is normally used in another sense), but likewise love and knowledge wait for no specific age.  Therefore, it is never too late for any constructive thing initiated positively.  I think you might be one of the luckiest persons, who at least have the courage to take a good start in consonance with the saying "dare, while others fly.  So, you are a very daring person to commence learning and get prepared for a tough competition with the fliers.  You also want to fly, don't you, and want to touch the heights of your skies for victorious achievement of the target of your prosperous future.

    How dare did you think that you might be the loser by starting your first year of college at the age of 29.  You are yet a young man.  Be brave and never be disappointed.  "God helps those, who help themselves", if you do ever believe in God.  Moreover, in my opinion, by proving your flairs, you try to become exemplary for similar other people so that they may also could follow the path of your success.

    Wish you all the best with my best regards, together with every success in your future life.  So long.

  8. good for you... you should be proud of your self

  9. ur not a loser at least ur going

  10. U R NOT A LOSER. u r doin sumthig thats really great 4 u  and will benefit u n da future. dnt let anybody tell u otherwise. I DNT THINK U R A LOSER OKAY. IM PROUD OF U!!! just keep ur head up n your goals in mind cuz its gona be tough but dnt give up. If u want the sunshine u gotta put up wit da rain

  11. Hope not! I'm older than you and I'm starting 1st year soon too.

  12. you are def not a loser. Last semester i took a class with a women who was well in her 60's. Better late than never. Congrats on going and keep at it. (it will be especially hard cuz you will have to think back on things you have not used in years) Good luck you will be fine.

  13. Aw!

    That's really brave, to go back to school!

    It definitely does NOT make you a loser to want your education.

    Very admirable! Good for you!

    G'luck! I hope everything works out really well for you.

  14. First of all, good job! It's never too old to get an education, really. You're only a loser if you never went to school. Good job, again. Good luck!  

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