
I am now 9 days overdue for my period

by Guest62907  |  earlier

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and I am still showing up negitive on home pregnancy tests - is this a sure sign I am not pregnant or should I get bloods done? We are trying for number 2 - number 1 is only 5 months old but we want a really small gap.




  1. relax but by 9days should should know but it could be stress related,go see your doctor

  2. ...With my son I was late 3 weeks until I got a positive..the story is kind of entertaining tho...I was at work and I passed out...of course they rushed me to the hospital and did blood work and everything..and it came back negative..I was about 14 days late for my period...That sunday..I sat down with my husband..cracked open a beer...took a sniff...put it down..and said I can't drink this..he asked why..I said because I am That monday I went up to my drs (who threw a fit about me wanting another pg test since I had one the week b4 at the hospital) and I said 'Tell you what, if it is positve, I don't pay a dime for this appointment..if it is negative, I'll pay for it...needless to say I got a free appointment and a free pg test:). SOOOO the point of this story always know when you are pregnant...:)  

  3. Definitely get blood tests done if you cycles are totally back on track after the last delivery. That could still be messing with your hormones, and if you recently changed the breastfeeding pattern, that can alter your cycles as well. But I'd be down to the doctors if I was you :)  

  4. A blood test with show up early. Best to see your doc.

  5. 1 - If you ARE breastfeeding its possible your periods will b e erratic (like even two months!!!!) - milk producing hormones are sort of a "natural" family planning tool meaning you SHOULD NOT get pregnant while still nursing.

    2 - Because of hormomes/lactation possibly its a "false" negative. Wait another two weeks or so and have an ultrasound done just to be sure.

  6. maybe your cycle is changing but its still good to go get some blood work from your doctor and see what he says

  7. It's possible. My cousin is 8 weeks pregnant, but got a negative until 2 weeks after her missed period. It all depends on how well the hCG hormone is being produced. A blood test would show for sure and much earlier than a HPT would.  Best of luck to you!  

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