
I am now homeless-where are you to go when theres nowhere left to turn?

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i am a 20 years old, i live in ohio, and for the last few months i have been staying with a friend and working on a farm for under the table compensation that has been enough to keep me alive, a little over a week ago my friend that i was staying with-took her kids picked up and left oh a whim due to a nasty divorce and a few days later i was told that i was no longer needed at my job. my mother told me i could move in for a month until i could get a job and get back on my feet. i moved in last saturday and today due to the fact that i do not have a job yet i was told i was to get out, despite the fact that i am doing my best and should have a job by the end of next week (god be willing). i have a vehicle with valid plates and insurance paid up till the end of this month, i have very little money ($50 to my name) and not many things to sell to make more than another $20 max. what is one to do in this situation?




  1. Have faith in God.

  2. pray, and all things work together for good

  3. Where are you using a computer from? You can't stay there until you get back on your feet?

  4. try finding a Salvation Army Shelter nearby. you could stay there.

  5. wow that's really sad. try going back to school. try to work at a grocery store and save as much money as you can. take a minimum wage job for now and try renting a place. also .. if you have any family or family friends ... try them. but id get a job where you can get discounts on stuff you need.

    hope i helped

  6. very hard....very personal...i suggest go to homeless shelter(free stay) and get a job(make money with free stay=no rent) :) until you get enough to get back on your feet...or move to an asian contry and farm

  7. im so sorry hun for the situation your in its a horrible position to be in

    the only thing i can think of is try reasoning with your mum, ask for more time

    all the best take care hun

  8. Try and find a homeless shelter; get a job that doesn't need a lot of skill, not that you're not skilled but so that you can work with little trouble and you can have job security.

  9. just pray to God...and He will hopefully help u....

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