
I am now learing how to play guitar i am taking lessons and trying to teach myself. Any thing i should know???

by  |  earlier

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i just wanted to see if i should know anything extra like uh well i dont know thats why im asking this question.




  1. I never took lessons, but the way I taught myself is like this:

    Learn 3 chords (I learned A, Bm, and D)

    Learn a song with those three chords (I learned What's Up by 4 Non Blondes)

    Play that song a lot until you can sing it and play it from memory.

    Then, learn a new song with those chords plus one other chord. (I chose Vacuum Bag by Stroke 9, which has the chords D, Bm, A, and G)

    Pretty much work your way up from there until you know all the chords and can play all kinds of songs.  Let the lessons help you with fingerpicking, and you'll be Santana in no time!

  2. You got everything you need right there with lessons and finding things out on your own.

    Good for you taking lessons!! :-D

    I've been doing the same thing with guitar as well.

  3. The fretboard can be intimidating.

    Think of the fretboard as a new type of keyboard that you are learning. The guide is that each line of the fretboard represent a semitone lower or higher on a certain note.

    As for guitar chords, start with the open chords on open strings before you get into the new chords that require you to hold more fingers on frets. Broken chords are easier to play from and a lot more exciting.

    Folk singers and alternative singers who play acoustic guitar often use the rhythm guitar technique...that is, as they play the guitar chord, the fingers in the left hand are pressed on the frets so hard that it is almost mute, and the right hand strums the guitar strongly as if it sounds like a drum. This technique is often used when singer-guitarists cannot afford to hire a drummer....and as you may know, Bo Diddley, who recently died, may have coined the rhythm guitar technique.

    Hope all of this helps in your guitar learning....

  4. i think you should learn at your own pace, dont rush or learn too many cords at a time. i take guitar too and i make up my own cords!

    ^-^ just have fun!

  5. Get a dvd that will show you how to use the guitar visually.

  6. yes learn about tabs and then go to they have over 100,000 songs and onse you learn tabs you can play ANYthing. believe me im not taking lessons(waste of money) I bought some self teaching guitar books and I think I'm pretty good! :D good luck with your dream or whatever it is!

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