
I am now over two weeks late for my period. I went off BC June how long should it take to get one back.?

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When I called the Dr. The said 6-8 weeks. Is this 6-8 weeks late or from your last period. We want to TTC after I got m first cycle and this is frustrating having nothing to work off of. And ive read so I know it takes different people longer just wondering if anyone has had this experience.




  1. try and relax as much as possible then you will probably get it, just start keeping track of your cycles now. i have been off a year and mine are within a week apart now everyone is different. good luck! if you have s*x a few times a week you are sure to hit it soon!

  2. I stopped my birth control in March and waited 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks. I got concerned about it and went to my doctor. We ran a full panel of blood work and had an ultrasound to be sure that the lining wasn't too thick and my ovaries were ok.  Everything came out normal. Sometimes it just takes  a long time to get a cycle back. I finally got a period on July 3rd.

    If it takes longer than 3 months to get a period and you have negative HPT, then I would go to the doctor. They can do the tests like they did for me and they can give you a mini course of progesterone to kick start your cycles.

  3. If you weren't regular before BC then you probably won't be regular now that you're off it. Try Maya Abdominal Massage(MAM). It can help you get a regular cycle to help better achieve the goal you want. It helped me with ttc. I tried for 18 months for #2, and with MAM I got prego in one month.

  4. i had my period after stopping the bc but then the next month i didn't get one for 6 weeks, took nearly 7 months for me to get a regular cycle, 3 months after being regular I'm now nearly 6 weeks pregnant

  5. i came off birth control last feb. after having my daughter in Nov., I had the bc bleeding and didnt have another period until december 2nd 07.    I ovulated late and now im 31 weeks pregnant lol.  It will come eventually.  All you can do is be patient.

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