
I am obsessed with someone. I am in love with this older

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guy and he is in love with his ex wife. I find myself constantly reading his myspace and hers. I am constanlty envious of his obsession with her. I had a one night stand with him and he blew me off afterwards. I just feel rejected and have an awful depressing fixation with him due to my own loneliness. How can I help myself




  1.     well...he proved to you that you mean nothing to why bother with him...the way he treated'd only be a booty call for him...find someone else..

  2. Just look for other men.. hes obviously not interested in you..  

  3. This is all about ego and rejection.  The only cure for any of this is time.  It's not simple but it is what you need some healing time and space.  It hurts to be rejected but it would be worse if this older guy led you on for a long time and than dropped you. Think about would have hurt so much more.. I know you think you are in love but truly you can't be "in" love with someone that doesn't return the feelings..because being in love is a mutual feeling between two people..and can't be one sided...I give you so much credit for admitting to yourself that you are obsessed..that is the first have you thought of seeing a doctor and asking for a mild antidepressant?  I'm not saying that is the "cure" but I do think you are depressed and could use  little boost.  You will meet someone else in the future and than look back at this and realize that you are worth so much more than what this man has to offer you...which is nothing.  Don't settle for nothing..just by reading this question I can see you are a very intelligent young woman with your entire future ahead of you...I know it hurts right now..and you are feeling pain..but I hope you realize soon that you are very special and never again settle for less...good luck..and many hugs..

  4. see a counselor. you have an obsession.

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