
I am offended. Does this ever happen to you?

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This man that I see everyday on my normal stroll through the mall after I go on my break is always very nice to me. He told me he is 36 years old and he just moved to the USA about three years ago from Italy. I have turned him down in the past after he asked me out and he since then he is always talking about money when I am in hearing distance of him. A week ago he said he would pay me half a million dollars to let him be my first. I was very offended and told my boss about what happened. And he told the security at the mall. The security man said, since he did not threaten me there is not much he can do. But if it happens again he can get banned from the mall. How is that fair? And why do some men think that all women will have s*x with them for money?




  1. plain answer: some people are retarded, just ignore them

  2. A dime a dozen: there are arrogant, chauvinistic a-holes everywhere.

    Life ain't fair.  Get used to it.  There's plenty more where that came from.

  3. Men who think that way are the men who have experience with women who are money hungry and only see dollar signs. Me personally I wouldn't even pay him any attention. He didn't harm you physically, he didn't threaten you, and you're not in danger. The only thing you can do in a situation like that is either ignore him when he speaks to you, or look past his comment. It's really not that serious. You know you're not like that so don't take it personal. He just doesn't know how to talk to you or what to say to get you interested in him.

  4. h**l that happened to me HERE!!! Even stupider than in your situation, because he couldn't even SEE me through the computer! For all he knows, I weigh 300 pounds and have a face like a moose.

    I just think it's ridiculous.

  5. Ahahahaha, we call these people loser's.  Mace him next time you see him.

  6. don't be offended. it's a compliment. i would do it in a heart beat


  8. Its not like he forced you into doing something, he asked you a simple question. He was just complimenting you and you are throwing it way out of proportion.  You have to deal wit all sorts of people in life, get used to it, thats life.

  9. It's a compliment don't complain but keep an eye on this fellow he might be a loose cannon.

    I wish somebody would make me an offer like this. Ah - females only.

  10. So...some guy told you that he would pay 1/2 a million bucks to sleep with you...and you are offended????  Are you crazy?  Personally, I wouldn't pay $5 to have s*x with's simply not worth it...most of the women I hang out with enjoy s*x, and there is no need to pay for it.  But, I can't imagine turning down someone that wanted to pay me 1/2 a million for some nookie...don't you take at least a tiny bit of pride that this guy finds you so attractive?

  11. I understand why you are offended. He has no business doing that.

    A good one would be to ask if you could see the money first, and still turn him down. Let him know you know he's full of $h!t.

  12. First, you did the very correct thing by telling your boss.  He is not to be trusted, and should not be discussing s*x with you at all.  Not AT ALL!  Second, he propositioned you, and yes, he did something wrong.  He offered you money for s*x.  It's illegal in this country.  Third, he most likely has no money like that to be offering you.  He can meet someone online and hookup for free, so something is wrong, just like what you think.  

    Just, please, please be careful f you see him anywhere near you.  I'm not sure if you have a dad or big brother, but I would simply tell this guy "I told my older brother you offered me money and he went and told my dad, so now they are both really mad.  Please don't speak to me".  What that phrease does is tells this man, that other men know about him and he better back off.  He is not just engaging you, your whole family is going to hear about him.  Hopefully, he will get lost.  Good going girl!  You definitely are in the right here.

  13. Yeah, people offer me half a million to sleep with them all of the time. Its starting to get really annoying.

  14. I don't see what he did that was against the law. It's kind of creepy, but seriously, 500Gs had to be tempting. It does sound sort of like a compliment to me. Your a1/2 mil girl.

  15. You're right to be offended that he assumed you were for sale. Too bad they couldn't do anything.

  16. That hasn't happened to me, but if it did, I would have really given that guy a piece of my mind. This guy is probably of the mentality that because a few women lower themselves to accept money for s*x, all of us will.

  17. you must be one hot mamma for him to offer you 500 grand. and you didnt do it? wow, you are nuts aint ya?

  18. Do you give off a "shy and sweet" vibe? People say that's the vibe that I give off, and men don't take us seriously when we say no.  Maybe he thinks you're just being timid or playing hard to get (he's being optimistic).  If it's not too hard for you, try to be a little more assertive with him?

    How about you don't stroll through the mall? Avoid him if you can..stay in the breakroom or hang out in one spot.

  19. I cannot believe some of the people who answered your question.  

    This is sexual harrassment.  You turned him down once and made it clear you have NO SEXUAL FEELINGS for him, and he is still pestering you over it.  Attempting to bribe you, of all things, to allow him his favor.

    If you see him again and he makes any more advances, slap a lawsuit on his *** and watch that half a million come free.

  20. The same happened to me! What do they think I am a prostitute. NO!

    I know how you feel about being offended but since this is the USA. In human rights you can say anything you want even if it is offensive. So he didn't do anything wrong to be convicted.

    But at least he wasn't threatening, if he was that's a different story.

  21. He was being a sleaze.  Ok sadly some guys resort to this chicanery.  A gentleman would compliment or ask you out (holy gosh are we still allowed to use the word gentleman!?)

    Either he has learned this "trick" and is harmless.  Or more likely, he really is a dou*chb*g.  Plus how much older is he? The creep factor is high...guys like this might be capable of attacking/stalking, etc.  Gosh, if you were my sister... da man might need talking to.  

    Any large fella will work in a mall?  Hint. Please be careful.

  22. I suggest speaking to the manager of that mall, and requesting politely that if they don't ban that pervert from the mall and from harassing and attacking other women, then you will have to speak to the media who may urge women to not go there out of fear of said attacker.

    You should not have to live in fear of this creep, and the mall has a duty of care to anyone who goes there to limit possible harm.

    I would not take this lying down, as this guy needs to be stopped in his tracks and I think you should make an example of him to all the other men who share his views.

    You are supposed to be offended at this. Take Action.

  23. Many males think women are commodities. Heard of trophy girlfriends?

    But you shouldn't be too offended he sounds harmless. If he wants to pay then he's at least not the worse kind who just think they can take it, I can understand if you're creeped out though.

    p.s. this doesn't happen to me =D

  24. Just avoid him and if you do run into him then give him dirty looks so he can always remember that he is a jerk. there is always going to be girls out there who will lower themselves for money. you can't change the fact he is a nasty jerk. just move on and beware of sugar daddy's.

  25. This is another example of "logic" verses "emotion".

    I see no reason to arrest someone for asking you a question. That's completely ridiculous for the following reasons:

    1. You are choosing to converse with this man when you don't have too.

    2. No harm was done

    3. No threat made

    4. Its not illegal to offend someone

    5. Who cares?

  26. So let me get this straight, you would have s*x with him, something that the average female enjoys very much, and he would pay you $500,000, and you said no? I think you're kidding, and I sure hope you are for the sake of your intelligence.

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