
I am on LTD. My employer sells out,now they are canceling my medical ins. Can the do that?

by  |  earlier

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If they can I'm not sure we (my wife and I) can even get other health insurance.




  1. Based on the limited info you gave.  Yes, they can.  If you have group insurance it's owned by the company and you have no say what happens with it.

    Personal isurance costs more, but at least you have control over whether it gets cancelled or not.

    You're best bet is contact a lisenced insurance broker to find out what your options are, but I'm sorry to say that there likely won't be any.  If you are currently on claim it is very likely you will not be able to apply for new insurance.

    Don't let your friends or family get stuck in the same position...tell them to look at personally owned insurance to top up what they have to actually have control of their finances.

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