
I am on a contract with 3mob and since I started service has deteriorated How can I cancell?

by Guest62125  |  earlier

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When I started with the 18 month contract with 3mobile the reception was good but 6 months later the reception has deteriorated so much that I'm losing work and can't cope with the constant worry of losing more work. When I contacted 3 after a long time and with various delay tactics they begrugingly admitted that it's because of the network because of excessive demand. Can I cancell early without being penalised ? Because I don't think they are giving me the service that I signed up for. PLEASE HELP I really do think they are robbing me!




  1. If you aren't getting the service they offer, demand a cancellation and a refund. Explain that you aren't getting the service they are offering and state that the goods aren't fit for their purpose (sale of goods act). Report them to Ofcom.

  2. Unless you BUY yourself out of your contract by paying for the remainder of the line rental you are stuck...sorry!  I have NEVER heard a good thing about users beware!!

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