
I am on a cruise rite now!! sea sick solutions?!?!?

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rite now as i am typing this question i am on the cruise ship names freedom of the seas. i am really disey rite now but i am not pukeing any solutions to stop the diseyness from going away thanks<3




  1. If you are on a cruise right now, you are too late to stop at a local WalMart or other drug store to purchase some Bonine tablets.  So, you have 2 choices.  (1) Stop by the Purser&#039;s Desk.  Sometimes they hand out little pink chewable tablets (Bonine) to nauseous guests; or (2) hurry to the onboard store to purchase some Bonine tablets for motion-sickness.

  2. Puke, that should help.

  3. If the shop on board or anyone in your family has benadryl, that&#039;s good for motion sickness, although it does make some people sleepy.  It&#039;s a medication sold for allergies but it&#039;s the same ingredient as in Dramamine.

  4. Take some medicine!

  5. Yes it does help to get it out but you could try pinching your ear. just above the lobe and right below the cartlidge. I get motion sickness and this helps.

  6. heyy girl when i was on royal carribean i experenced the tail end of hurricane Noel. I just laid down and ate gingersnaps, and mint tea( they have it on the ship!). Good Luck!

    Peace, love, Maddy

  7. Go to the ship&#039;s medical office and ask for sea sick pills.

  8. go to the medical office definitely!! get better soon so you can enjoy your vacation!!

  9. See if you can get your hands on some ginger root.  Ginger has been used for years to combat nausea and dizziness.  I could also suggest Dramamine, that can help with dizziness. If that doesn&#039;t help, go to the center of the ship and see it that will lessen it.  You might see about a massage or push the pulse point located in your arm.  if you put three fingers on you fore arm (just under your palm) and press the center of where your index finger is laying.  That is a pressure point that is supposed to help.  If that doesn&#039;t, I&#039;m out of ideas :P

  10. Well most people tends to get their &quot;sea legs&quot; preatty soon so dont worry. Relax dont drink to much and sleep on it. If it last over night or so try the ship medical facility and see what they can do against it. But getting a little sea sick, especially if the seas are rough are preatty normal. And it takes times to get used to the sensation of a moving ship. I mean I have spent the first day or two after getting ASHORE going up and down as I still was on the ship... Johan.

  11. The front desk or the medical office can give you anti-sea-sickness pills.  Keep in mind, though, that those work best when taken *before* you feel sick.

    So, I&#039;d take the pills, but also do the following...

    - Go outside.  Fresh air and looking at the horizon will help (the horizon gives your body a reference point for all the motion, so it feels less confused).  Looking at a computer screen is probably the worst thing to do.  =)

    - Ginger helps.  Go to the sushi bar and get some pickled ginger.  Eat a little, slowly.

    - No alcohol or heavy foods, those just upset an unhappy stomach

    Hope you feel better soon!

  12. No MomSez, Dramamine and Benadryl do not contain the same active ingredient. Dramamine is for motion sickness, Benadryl is an antihistamine....

    Dramainine works but if you are drinking alcohol, stop til you get off the boat. Drinking makes things a lot worse...

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