
I am on a spouse settelment visa nd have lost my Pakistani Passport Passport.any ideas wt to do?

by Guest21472  |  earlier

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I have tried to contact Pakistani embassay but no one is answering the phone.Some body told me, one can only get an appointment by visiting the embassy in person.I was due to tarvel on coming friday.I have reported in the police.I am not sure that the passport that embassy gives me would have a visa on ot or not! will i have to apply for the visa all over again.I need to go to Pakistan urgently cuz of some family problems.Can some one please help me in this matter.





  1. Go to the Embassy and keep trying to call them. People have lost their passports before. So this is nothing new to them and they will help.

  2. You must go to the PK Embassy and get a replacement passport.  I'm no expert, but my guess is that if you do not at least have a passport then may not be willing to help you further and might even send you back to PK.

    I'm going to be totally frank with you.  There is a lot of angry MPs in the House of Commons who are just looking to make people return home who cannot prove their right to be here.

    Don't worry about this.  Just go to the Embassy and get sorted.  and  Good Luck.

    Try these links : -

    Travel Advice by Country Foreign & Commonwealth Office

    British nationals travelling on a Pakistani passport will need the appropriate

    visa to re-enter the UK. Children need their own passports. Passport validity ... - Cached

    The High Commission for Pakistan in United Kingdom

    Ordinary Passport. (in case of Loss). £ 46 + 1. After the verification of Lost

    Passport from the Issuing authority in Pakistan or Abroad. Urgent Passport ...

    God with you always...

    I hope that this music below makes you happy.


    YouTube - Pakistan: Adil Najam's Pakistan

    Based on famous Pakistan poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz's po... ... i's aspirations for

    Pakistan (less). Added: May 17, 2006. Category: Music .... 2008 YouTube, LLC.

  3. You need to go to the pakistani embassey, it's no good going to the fco as they deal with british people lost or stuck abroad, and only issue passports to diplomats.

    you should also call uk visa's I hear of alot of people having trouble with the phone service so you'd be better off going there, it's based in croyden so you could go to your embassy and uk visa's on the same day if you time it right

  4. Contact the Pakistani Embassy and then the United States Embassy to request an emergency visa.

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