
I am on an evita (the musical) kick and have always wondered if they actually loved each other?

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I am on an evita (the musical) kick and have always wondered if they actually loved each other?




  1. If you mean the mad passion,then yes,they loved each other deeply.They also knew (especially Juan Peron) what an asset he had in Evita even before they were married.She knew how to play to an audience(although he "acting career" showed little of the promise she would later dsiplay as a public speaker. he remarried after her death,but the second Senors Peron was a dim imititation of his Evita

  2. I love the musical.  Ever since I first saw it performed on stage, I've been interested in the couple.  To me, Eva Peron is very similar to Hillary Clinton in that they both knew what they wanted and persued the coarse to get there.  Eva grew up in a poor family and made this statement, "I remember I was very sad for many days when I discovered that in the world there were poor people and rich people; and the strange thing is that the existence of the poor did not cause me as much pain as the knowledge that at the same time there were people who were rich…From each year I kept the memory of some injustice that roused me to rebellion.”  Eva knew what she wanted, and I think from the moment she spotted Juan, she knew his position & power could change her life. It's not surprising that she took over so many causes when they married.  

    Jaun Peron, was Secretary of Labor in 1944. In January of that year an earthquake occurred in San Juan. Six thousand people were killed. In response, Perón established a fund to raise money to aid the victims. He devised a plan to have an "artistic festival" as a fundraiser, and invited radio and film actors to participate. As part of the festivities, the actors walked through the streets of San Juan with collection boxes. After a week of fundraising, all participants met at a gala. It was at this gala that Eva first met Juan Perón. Juan made this comment about Eva, "There was a woman of fragile appearance, but with a strong voice, with long blonde hair falling loose to her back and fevered eyes. She said her name was Eva Duarte, that she acted on the radio and that she wanted to help the people of San Juan.  I looked at her and felt overcome by her words; I was quite subdued by the force of her voice and her look. Eva was pale but when she spoke her face seemed to catch fire. Her hands were reddened with tension, her fingers knit tightly together, she was a mass of nerves."

    Juan Perón allowed Eva Duarte to sit in on his meetings with close advisors and members of government. She would stay through the meeting, making the coffee, emptying the ashtrays or watching the guests in silence. Eva Duarte had no knowledge or interest in politics prior to her meeting of Juan Perón. Therefore, she never argued with Perón or any of his inner circle but merely absorbed what she heard.

    In answer to your question, I think that Juan loved her passion, her zeal, and her company inspired him.  She, in turn loved what money could do and the power that she had as Juan's wife.  As you know she led a scandelas lifestyle. I'm quite certain he overlooked it because he never really loved her in addition to the fact that she was very responsible for his freedom from prison.  Interestingly, his 3rd wife possessed none of the characteristics of Eva.

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