
I am on birthcontrol. but i have been spotting for about 3 days now.?

by  |  earlier

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I am sexually active, but i dont miss pills and always have a condom. i once didnt use one for about 15-25 seconds ish. could my spotting mean im pregnant? my doctor said at the first few months that might happen but ive been on if for about 10months or so.





  1. you need to go the another doctor asap it could mean alot of things cancer side affects the bad ones don't put your trust in doctor ever always get a second opinion  

  2. Have you been on an antibiotic recently?  Have you started taking any other medicines?  Some antibiotics and other medicines can interact with your birth control and render them ineffective.  This could be why you have break-through bleeding.  Also, you may have had a small cyst that burst.  Virtually all women have cysts at some time or another that burst and can cause spotting.

    Anyway, I would NOT worry that you are pregnant.  Break-through bleeding is not a sign of pregnancy.  It's not impossible, but it is highly improbable that you are pregnant.

    However, if you are concerned, I would go to the doctor.  It couldn't hurt.  Go to a gynecologist--not just your primary doctor.  They are specialists, well-versed and better apt to deal with the female reproductive system.

    I hope that things right themselves.  Don't freak yourself out.  I'm sure that you are fine.

  3. its def normally to spot because ur body produces hormones each month and its diff each month but if u want to feel better take an e.p.t there the best!!! i was on the pill for 2 years and spotted now and then all the time and if u miss ur period all together i would def take a test or call your doctor and explain

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