
I am on holiday in NZ, can i take back to Australia, smoked fish roe and sizzler sausages, if properly packed?

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I am on holiday in NZ, can i take back to Australia, smoked fish roe and sizzler sausages, if properly packed?




  1. 'Fish and toothfish (restricted import)


      Fish: all species of bony fish, sharks, rays, crustaceans, molluscs and other marine organisms that have been caught outside of the Australian fishing zone. Applies to all fish products, whether fresh, smoked, preserved in airtight containers or frozen.

    Toothfish: Antarctic Toothfish and Patagonian Toothfish found in sub-Antarctic waters, including waters around Australia's external territory of Heard and McDonald Islands. Applies to all fish and fish parts of this species whether fresh, frozen, smoked, preserved in airtight containers or in any other form.'

    Found this on Australia's customs site - looks like a no to fish!  Can't seem to find any info about food generally though, but there is an email address to send any questions to;

    The Customs Information and Support Centre (CISC) can provide general information about Customs procedures in relation to prohibited and restricted goods. You can contact the CISC by telephone on 1300 363 263 or by e-mail at

  2. NO - it is classed as meat and a BIG no no.


    I miss though sizzler saugs too from NZ!

  3. NO

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