
I am on my period right now and my boyfriend ejaculated inside of me can i get pregnant?

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I started my period on friday in the morning and i had s*x with my boyfriend thursday night in the shower standing up. i don't know if that matters but I'm giving as much detail as possible. i don't know my regular cycle because i normally am on birth control but i am not this month so i bet it screws everything up. Sooo today is the third day of my period and i just want to know how likely it is that i can get pregnant. People keep scaring me and telling me that there is still a chance! i just don't want to regret not doing something about it now instead of a month from now! i am only eighteen i am by no means ready for a baby!




  1. not to scare you, honey, but i have a friend who thought that if the only time she had s*x was during her period, she would never get pregnant.

    she has a two year old daughter right now.

    take a home pregnancy test if you`re scared to go to a doctor, & then find an somebody older than you that you can trust who can take you through your options.

    having taken the 'get-rid-of-it' route, i can tell you that it`s not necessarily the easier option.

    good luck!

  2. Not likely, but possible

  3. My husband got me pregnant on my period. So yeah, you can be. People say you can't but its not true. My son is proof.

  4. I'm no expert, but i have done plenty of research on all this kind of stuff, as i was trying for 6 months to fall pregnant again after miscarriying...

    I think you will find that you would not have conceived from this episode as you would usually ovulate a few days up to a week AFTER your period and in your case you had s*x at the beginning of your period??? Which means your body is releasing the old egg and producing a new one .... so more simply - no i highlt doubt you would be pregnant!

    Good luck either way.

  5. yep, you can still get prego.

  6. It doesn't sound like you are, but you might want to listen to your fears and be a little more safer from now on.  If you think you are grown up enough to have s*x, at least do it responsibly.  You need to be focusing on school, and enjoying hanging out with your friends at this special time in you life. Once there is a baby in the picture its a whole new ball game. I have an 18 month old, and one on the way.  Not that I regret it, because both were planned and I love every minute of it, but I didn't go to college, and was in too big of a hurry to grow up to hang out with my friends, and believe you me I do regret that.

  7. It's highly unlikely, as your period indicates that a safe amount of time has passed since your ovulation. I wouldn't worry about it, but if you're late next month then take a test. What you can do about it now is the same as what you could do about it in a month.  

  8. You can still get pregnant even if you are on your period.

  9. Yep, if you missed a pill, you need to assume that you are ovulating.  And since you haven't taken it for a while, the likelihood that you will ovulate increases every day.

    You need to be using birth control, now, next time, and EVERY TIME you have s*x until you've been back on the pill for a full month.  

    If you aren't ready for a baby, then you need to be using another method of birth control IN ADDITION to the pill, always.  The pill is not 100% effective.  And if you don't take it properly, it may not be effective for you at all.  Read the instructions.  Many brands of pills tell you to take the pills at the same time every day.  And that's exactly what they mean.  If you take it at 6 am on school mornings, then you need to take it at 6 am EVERY morning, weekends and holidays and vacations included.  Some women's bodies are so sensitive to the hormones that missing one pill by as little as a couple of hours will cause them to ovulate.  Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing if a woman is that sensitive ahead of time.  

    Every time you have s*x, you should be using birth control.  If you truly do not want a baby, you should be using the pill AND another method - foams, creams, gels, sponges, diaphragm, condoms.  And if you miss a pill, you use another method until the rest of that month for absolutely positive every single time.

    Birth control:  widely available and cheaper than babies.  Use it.

  10. it is still possible. and whatever you do, if you are pregnant, regardless of if you are ready or not, dont get an abortion. keep it and if you come to find that you really arent ready then put it up for an adoption so that it can have a life and have a family that can give it what it needs. dont kill it because your not ready. take responsibility for your actions. it didnt ask to be brought into the world

  11. Everyone is right there is a chance but it is a very slim one.  

  12. then you should read up on your s*x ed and know that if you have s*x any time any where you can get pg and especialy if you stopped your bc good luck

  13. well it really depends on how long that you where on your birth control. If you were on it for like a month then i would say yes you could be pregnant but if you where on it for like a year then i would say no. I would say wait until your off your period and then 2 weeks after that take a test and even if it shows up negative make a doctors appointment and go see a doctor. Because I've gotten pregnant while being on birth control before and i just didn't put the patch on for 2 weeks so yeah. And you shouldn't be afraid of pregnancy it is hard very hard but nothing to be afraid of. And just because your not ready now doesn't mean that you wouldn't be ready in 9 months you just have to learn how to plan and save. Well I wish you the Best Of Luck! I was afraid at first also but now i know pregnancy is a beautiful thing and nothing to be afraid of well unless your like 12. I'm 18 and 3 months pregnant by the way and loving it!

  14. It is possible but very unlikey if you JUST started right before having s*x.  Sperm can live inside of you for a couple of days.  I wouldn't really worry because even if you had s*x when your ovulating (which is typically 9 days after the first day of your period) the average couple only has about a 20% chance of conceiving.  Try not to worry about it too much, but do take a test before going back on the pill.

  15. if you are no means ready for a baby and arent on bc... then I guess you shouldnt be having s*x....should have thought about it first.

  16. stop having s*x if you don't want a baby and you don't understand how s*x works.

    Yes there is a chance you're pregnant.

  17. It is possible, yes and it's easier to get pregnant from behind and from the sounds of it that's probably the position you were in??? Here is a link for you to read...Be careful-it can be very easy to get pregnant at times especially when you're not trying. Good luck.

  18. Obviously some people are gonna give you some jack *** answers, like you should've known, or take responsbility and ect. OBVIOUSLY she knows, and she made a mistake. Though they are right too. But you don't want to hear that, and you're looking for comfort.

    to tell you the truth, it is a slim chance, but still a chance. But you can't worry too much until you no more, what can you do now, right?  

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