
I am on the hunt for another home computer

by Guest62699  |  earlier

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Would someone be to guide me as to what a good motherboard etc. would be for a home computer. It would mostly be used for work and the kids are getting older, for games.

Cheers good people




  1. Lots of great computers out there. I think HPs are great. I have an Acer but then all I do is email and internet.

    If you are going to do games, I would get something higher end and not look at budget computers. Higher end will keep you doing what you want to do a little longer and faster. Good luck!

  2. I would buy it to grow.  The more harddrive space you can have, the better.  But drives that are larger than 350GB are a new technology.  Stick with a 350GB harddrive for now, it is the old reliable way.

    Consider technical support in your option. There is a great company we have bought stuff from called visioncomputers that has great support, and fair prices.  Buy a mid range computer.  Stay away from cheap-o's.

  3. There are hundreds out there get the best you can afford without going in to debt

  4. depends if you going to run "free " games or purchase modern new games

    for free games just buy a second hand XP with 1 or 2 gig ram say 150 or more hard drive.

    for new games buy a new puter with vista and 3 gig ram and decent video card.

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