
I am on welfare and can't do community service?

by Guest33934  |  earlier

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I applied for welfare so that I Would be able to get a childcare voucher, I waited a month and a half to recieve the welfare check, and I recived three checks at once and after those 3 checks I immeditely got a letter that says I have a week to do community service.

My case worker does not contact me through phone, and gives me a week to participate in community service for 20 hours.

What am I supposed to do about my 3 year old daughter?

I am obviously on welfare so that I can recieve child care this community service does not makes sense becuase I do not have child care.

My plan was to apply for assistance at the end of may May get a job by September (need to be on assistance for 2 months to get voucher)and get my daughter into school by September.

What do I do? I can't do community service becuas eI have no child care and I can't put my daughter into scholl until September becuase that is when the classes start again for preschoolers.

Yes, before I got into this mess I was a tax payer like you all 40 long hours a week!!! So don't tear me a new one.

I guess I will just have to get cut off of assistance and then get the voucher ( I will still be able to recieve the voucher for 12 months after I have been off of assistance)

It's no biggie since I just needed the voucher anyway.




  1. There should be a career center for the welfare office you go to or the region that you live in. That career center should also have other resources there for you to use, like different childcare options that you have. You can also try craigslist for people that you can contact that might be able to work with you on payment. I am one of 5 kids and grew up an welfare. I don't know how single moms do it, but they always do. I wish you the best of luck!!

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