
I am on workers comp. Is there advantage of getting a lawyer or stay with my insurance. I have a disability.?

by  |  earlier

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50/50/ work related and normal body degeneration for 30 years of work ing same job. doctors rate this at a 15 percent perm. disability. Any ideas?




  1. Workers comp benefits are strictly defined by each state.  The ONLY time it does any good to get a lawyer, is when the company is flat out contesting the claim.  If they've accepted it, a lawyer can't get you any EXTRA money.  So hiring a lawyer would only slow things down, and give the lawyer a cut of your money.  No point in it, in my book.

  2. get a lawyer!

  3. You know it's really up to you, your entitled to an attorney. Once you get an attorney all contact with the insurance company will cease so if you call the adjuster they won't call you back.

    It also depends on where you are at. Is the claim close to closing, looks like you will get a 15% award. If you are able to return to normal work and you don't qualify for vocational rehab than I wouldn't think you need an attorney. If the claim is that close to closing I just don't see the need, unless you want to keep your meds open or something like that, depends on each state.

    Getting an attorney has it's cost and benefits, some attorney actually look after their clients while others just can't wait for your payment. I get asked this question a lot and if your not quite sure what you want to do, I would recommend you ask your adjuster to send you all your medical information sent to your home.  Once you receive it have a WC attorney review it and see what he/she thinks of it. They might say that you could get more money by doing this or they might say the adjuster is doing a fine job and there is no reward for them. The adjuster will ask you to send a signed letter requesting your medicals.

    No harm no foul.

  4. get you a good disability lawyer, you will need it. Workman's comp only last for so long.  If you are 50/50, then there is a possibility that they will not let you get on disability.  You need to find a job where you can either sit or do real light work. Disability is hard to prove.  Good luck to you.

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