
I am only 16 year old? A POEM?

by  |  earlier

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life is just some-then.

i wish i was not hear right now.

i cry.

i hurt.

but i dint care.

life is just some then people said hey or love you i thank.

but i dint care.

i am only 16.

i wish sometime i was in a dream and go away for ever.

i no sometime in this crazy poem i am witter you made not care or dint though i am tell the true but i am my life is h**l. so what is at for you tell me.




  1. I read and re- read your poem, I analysed it, dissected it, mulled over the contents in relationship with the age of the writer and I came up with the conclusion that I had the first time I read it. Its absolutely and irrefutably the worst piece of literary garbage I have ever had cause to read and in my time teaching English to mature students, I assure you, I have seen some. I know what I am talking about. Your grammar is appalling as is your spelling, why you don't use the spell checker is beyond me. Still, I doubt that this will be the last piece that I will read that will astound me. Your problem lies with your inner self, speak to a parent or teacher or someone in authority, you have some severe problems.  

  2. the hardest thing to do

    is saying your sorry

    through and through

    pain eclispes rational and logic

    young in body

    but old in mind

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