I am currently 20 years old. i have been taking ambien 10-15mg for little over four years. and just last year my doctor added trazodon on my prescription. i was prescribed 50 mg but i only took a quarter of those because i was experiencing side effect.
the sleeping problem has caused me feel really anxious because i have heard it is bad for the liver. I am often feeling tired and besides that, i can't even sleep well with the pills sometimes. constantly without sleep has made me very self couscous and have done many things that i am not supposed to. also because of the pills, i am afraid to go out and spend nights with my friends. I know i am addicted to the sleeping pills but i really can't imagine how to get off it. i have never taken it in ways that i am not supposed to. but it has really caused me to have low self esteem as i often think its supposed to be nature to fall asleep and why have i lost this natural ability. i walked on the street and thinking god people are looking at me with weird eyes, or worrying that they think i am depressed or looking like a zombie.
i just want to live normally like a 20 year old girl does.
because of taking this pill, i have missed out so many life experiences.
i feel so helpless and hopeless......
sometimes i would just stay at home all day without going out because i don't want to scare people away.....
i am currently going to college but have rarely gone out to parties partly because i can't have alcohol with the meds.
when i go get the sleeping pills, i always feel like they are judging me since i am so young....
lack of sleep has made me looking so tired and i hate it.......
mostly i just want to be a healthy person...
please help me if you have taken ambien for an extended period of times and have successfully quitted it. I really need to know.
thank you so much