
I am only 3 weeks pregnant but have strong symptoms.. Anyone w/ twins get symptoms very strong?

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i am only a little over 3 weeks, confirmed by a doctor! I took a pregnancy test 3 weeks and 1 day (well 3 tests) and they were all positive. my doc said some people just test positive early. I have such strong symptoms though, unlike my 2 other pregnancies. My b*****s have been very tender and sore for about a week and i feel bloated or a fullness like when you are further along!! There is no way I am further along b/c I just had an iud removed prior to my period. Is this a sign of twins??




  1. no it's not a sign.......

  2. LOL Just might be you'll never know I had HORRIBLE morning sickness for the first 5 months with my twin pregnancy and then I was just so uncomfterble I couldn't even stand it.  

  3. I was pregnant with twins and I did test positive at just over 3 weeks as well. My symptoms were alot more severe than with my previous 2 pregnancies. I had much more morning sickness, breast tenderness, tiredness, etc from very early on. When I lost one of the babies at around 8 weeks, my symptoms significantly weakened. From that point on, this pregnancy has been more like my first 2. I have very little nausea and just the normal amount of being tired, etc.

  4. Nope, it's just being pregnant.

    I get severe morning sickness, but for me it's with EVERY pregnancy.

  5. They say that all women respond differently . . .but most women expecting twins or more have a higher hcg level and experience more severe pregnancy symptoms . . .

    I am 36w 1d pregnant with twins and my symptoms were pretty minor, my hcg levels were always within range of a singleton pregnancy and (knock on wood) all has been going smoothly.  My friend who is due a few weeks behind me with one child is having a much more difficult time!

    So, I guess it is a wait and see . . . maybe they can do an early ultrasound - we found out about our twins at 6 1/2 weeks.

    Best wishes for a happy & healthy pregnancy!

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