
I am opening a child development center in Friend, Nebraska,looking for clever and cute names????

by  |  earlier

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I am opening a daycare for children 6wks - 13 yrs with an integrated preschool during the day. I am having a difficult time thinking of a name! Looking for suggestions??????




  1. friend to friend child care center

    a friend to all child care center

    a friendly place child care center


    kid friendly childcare center

    please don't go with a baby-ish name as older kids don't like the idea of going to a 'daycare' or 'babysitter'.  they like more of a club atmosphere.  i always had a different atmosphere in the b/a room than i did in the preschool areas.  you'd be more likely to hang on to the older kids more with that advantage.

    good luck.

  2. Playground Fun

    GREAT LUCK TO U!!!!!

  3. Friendly Daycare

  4. "Little Angels"

    Tiny Tots

    Neb Kids

    Friendly Kids

    Kids Zone

    Friends Kids Zone & More

    Friendly Teen And Baby Centre

    Toddlers & Teens  ..and u can make your logo like (T .T)

    Bibs, Cribs & Teens

    well... any good?

  5. Building Babies and Beyond

  6. I think the other users have posted some great suggestion, whatever you do, please don't spell words wrong to make them look "cute"

    such as Kiddie Korner.  Good luck with your center :)

  7. French Fries

    Tiny Tots ( i use 2 go there when i was young)

    bright beginnings

    reaching all children's equally (r.a.c.e)

    new heights

    rising stars

    itty biddy brains

    hearts and hands

    sun kiss

    little milestones

    mommy day care

    hands and feet


    friendly kidz

    kidz zone

    kidz rock

    and theme songs 4 ur class 1 song

    We are going too the zoo, to the zoo too the zoo

    we are going too the zoo won't you join us too

    we see lions,tigers too tigers too,tigers too

    we'll see lions tigers too

    we will find some chimpanzees,chimpanzees, chimpanzees swinging from the trees

    we look for kangaroos, kangaroos,kangaroos

    we will look for kangaroos

    hopping at the zoo

    and go 2 these websites

    and if people get hurt go 2 nurse

    if they r mean go 2 princapal

    and have a room 4 6 weeks - 18wks

    and have a room 4 people that r 4-13years old and the rest together

    and let them have a nap and tell them 2 bring a snack and let them do homework

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